Thursday 21 January 2016

Plan, Effort = Results

When trying to complete any task you have to plan in advance. Losing or Gaining weight it's just the same, you have to Meal Plan in ADVANCE.

Has anyone ever told you, don't go to the supermarket hungry because all you do is pick up shit. Well this is the same thing.

No meal preparation means you'll more and likely pick up something easy and simple rather than cook a healthy nutritious meal.

Planning a head makes it a little simpler to stay on track wether your a full time mum to a job role with no schedule.

So advice to help you out,

Chicken cooked lasts 3-4 days refrigerated or 4 months frozen. Bulk buying when it comes to meats are sometimes even cheaper, especially on sites like muslcefood. Or from your local suppliers instead of supermarket prices.
Veg: to most people it's and inconvenience and expensive, however swapping to frozen veg isn't the worst idea, you can buy large bags of mixed( broccoli, cauliflower, carrots) for as little as 80p and it does the trick to pack out meals. It only takes a couple of minutes to boil, and I've even started just adding it straight to stirfrys and pot dishes just a little earlier than you normally would. Also means you cut your wastage down and have it at the ready to go any time really.

Tubawear dishes are clearly the best invention when it comes to meal prep, even if you don't want to bulk cook, you can take a half hour out of your day and prep your veg and meats into dishes and when your ready to cook it's ready to go.

Simple things as planning ahead can help you prevent binge or pick eating.

Another useful technique I read in a fitness magazine somewhere and it wasn't till I tried it, it actually works and I have faith to share.
Hide your food products. Like I don't mean at the top shelf so you never see it again. But put it away in cupboards or wherever and don't leave it out on the counter, your more and likely going to nibble on something you see. Make fruit visible to all eyes and this will limit down on the not so diet friendly munchies.

Hope this helps. ❤

Monday 18 January 2016

When it hurts, do you give up?

Working out in any way can cause body pain.
This Is due to working out muscles and areas of the body that don't normally see movement in extreme pain ways.

Squats and wall sits normally hurt your bottom and tops of your legs, but if your not doing that workout you wouldn't normally use these muscles and that's why it hurts.

But don't give up when it hurts, this is a good sign (maybe personal opinion) but it works. Sometimes there's a delay DOMS.. delayed on muscles soreness, and even when you have been working out and have a break (I.e holiday) coming back to something that didn't use to hurt starts to hurt.

Don't worry, just push through, however if you do damage a part of your body by not working out correctly, you do have to rest and allow your body to heal properly. Over damaging a body part can cause future problems. ❤

Thursday 14 January 2016

Are Carbs the Bad Guys?

Hey Guys, so I hear alot and often and not, it is do you eat carbs or why you on a low carbs day .

At the moment I personally use a Carb Cycling program, which Mark set me up with when I first started my Pt program.
At first don't get the wrong, the worst nightmare and thought of what am I gonna substitute potatoes, rice, Chips, bread out for what am I gonna do.

So while learning throughout this program and progressing and understanding, I was trying to hit a target goal, and my thoughts in my head was cut out the carbs completely and this will help... Now after letting slip (circle of trust confess) Mark explained the meaning behind the carbs,

There's not something to cut out completely, or body needs the carbs to help energize and function, so if your hitting the gym full pelt and no energy to burn off, you'll not lose anything. You could potentially just plato (hit a brick wall).

I'm not saying because you haven't had carbs today go eat a full loaf of bread.  Moderation is the way.  Carb cycling helps distribute evenly across the week and days and giving your body some energy that it requires.

Carb Cycling (curtosy of Mark)
Mon:High Carbs
Tue: No Carbs
Wed: Low Carbs
Thur: High Carbs
Fri:Low Carbs
Sat: Low Carbs
Sun: High Carbs.

Dieting isn't a one day fix, Eating Healthy is a way of life.. Remember that ❤

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Food... How important is it?

Question: have you ever basically starved yourself and ate a very little amount of food and wondered why you've either not lost a single pound or actually put on weight?

Now before I was informed by Mark (the personal trainer) if you were to for example not eat every day until 2/3 in the afternoon but be awake and doing things since 9, and you end up after a while of this routine your actually not hungry. That's because your body is used to it, and it's smart as (I know what your thinking! how does it know this? It's not that smart!) and knows tomorrow your gonna starve it again and it holds onto any food you put in,
So processing your fats,sugars and energy that you would normally work off really easy won't happen and it stays there and holds on to you, so your body can use it to function when you don't feed it.

So if you eat at regular intervals with snacks, healthy options of course and not eating a pack of biccies or sweeties, then your body will start to function better.

I know for experience, i lost most of my weight, and I eat more now that I ever have.
You may feel a bit sluggish at first without all your sweeties and with more actual food going into your tummy, you will start to feel more energic better off after a couple of days. I promise

Any stories or experiences you wish to share feel free to post below. ❤️

Start the day...

Breakfast is an Important Meal like any Meal of the day.
If you say, something along the lines of, I can't really eat in the morning I don't like breakfast... NO CHANGE YOUR VIEWS.

This is exactly what helped me change my daily food life. I always skipped breakfast or ate something that wasn't really great or suited for breakfast.

Mold it round your life, so even if it's fruit on the run, it works your starting your body the right way with something good and stable.

There are many variations of breakfasts on the go, that actually don't taste that bad if you like a liquid diet: wheatabix on the go, Fuel on the go, breakfast shakes.  Also You can get Porridge in fast cups, with just add boiling water which are suited for most work places. As you mainly drink tea or coffee all morning... Swap it out, gain a more functional Brain and Energy.

Honestly you will notice results when you start a routine.

Good Luck ❤

P.s they come in many different flavours, there is sure to be one out there that you will like!!

Monday 11 January 2016


This is just a minor brief background of what I'm going to be producing over the foreseeable future. 
After a dramatic hit to the systems last year, I got my head down, learned and worked hard and shed a whopping 3 and half stone in just 4 months, (the healthy way)
After all the compliments and getting constantly asked loads of questions and for my help, (mine where I don't carry any qualifications or training in this field) I'm putting together my knowledge and research and constant testing to good use and I'm going to share it with you all, this is going to be made simple, so no matter, your age. Work/family life, circumstances in anyway you can make a simple change which will make a huge difference to your life. 

Warning: I'm no writer so I'll try my best to make the most sense! 
Stay tuned for the weekly updates. 

Any questions or anything you wish me to sample or look into, contact me 😃 
