Wednesday 13 January 2016

Food... How important is it?

Question: have you ever basically starved yourself and ate a very little amount of food and wondered why you've either not lost a single pound or actually put on weight?

Now before I was informed by Mark (the personal trainer) if you were to for example not eat every day until 2/3 in the afternoon but be awake and doing things since 9, and you end up after a while of this routine your actually not hungry. That's because your body is used to it, and it's smart as (I know what your thinking! how does it know this? It's not that smart!) and knows tomorrow your gonna starve it again and it holds onto any food you put in,
So processing your fats,sugars and energy that you would normally work off really easy won't happen and it stays there and holds on to you, so your body can use it to function when you don't feed it.

So if you eat at regular intervals with snacks, healthy options of course and not eating a pack of biccies or sweeties, then your body will start to function better.

I know for experience, i lost most of my weight, and I eat more now that I ever have.
You may feel a bit sluggish at first without all your sweeties and with more actual food going into your tummy, you will start to feel more energic better off after a couple of days. I promise

Any stories or experiences you wish to share feel free to post below. ❤️

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