Thursday 21 January 2016

Plan, Effort = Results

When trying to complete any task you have to plan in advance. Losing or Gaining weight it's just the same, you have to Meal Plan in ADVANCE.

Has anyone ever told you, don't go to the supermarket hungry because all you do is pick up shit. Well this is the same thing.

No meal preparation means you'll more and likely pick up something easy and simple rather than cook a healthy nutritious meal.

Planning a head makes it a little simpler to stay on track wether your a full time mum to a job role with no schedule.

So advice to help you out,

Chicken cooked lasts 3-4 days refrigerated or 4 months frozen. Bulk buying when it comes to meats are sometimes even cheaper, especially on sites like muslcefood. Or from your local suppliers instead of supermarket prices.
Veg: to most people it's and inconvenience and expensive, however swapping to frozen veg isn't the worst idea, you can buy large bags of mixed( broccoli, cauliflower, carrots) for as little as 80p and it does the trick to pack out meals. It only takes a couple of minutes to boil, and I've even started just adding it straight to stirfrys and pot dishes just a little earlier than you normally would. Also means you cut your wastage down and have it at the ready to go any time really.

Tubawear dishes are clearly the best invention when it comes to meal prep, even if you don't want to bulk cook, you can take a half hour out of your day and prep your veg and meats into dishes and when your ready to cook it's ready to go.

Simple things as planning ahead can help you prevent binge or pick eating.

Another useful technique I read in a fitness magazine somewhere and it wasn't till I tried it, it actually works and I have faith to share.
Hide your food products. Like I don't mean at the top shelf so you never see it again. But put it away in cupboards or wherever and don't leave it out on the counter, your more and likely going to nibble on something you see. Make fruit visible to all eyes and this will limit down on the not so diet friendly munchies.

Hope this helps. ❤

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